Naratrex 2.5 mg

Brand Amerge
Manufacturer Sun Pharma
SKU 638469011297963668
Availability In Stock
Price $ 2
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Naratrex is an oral medication prescribed to treat patients suffering from migraine headaches. It operates by narrowing blood vessels surrounding the brain while balancing levels of chemicals in the brain that are associated with pain, nausea, sensitivity to light, and other symptoms associated with migraines. Note that this medication is meant to treat headaches as they occur and is not meant to prevent migraines from occurring. This medication is only meant to treat diagnosed migraines and should not be used to treat tension headaches or cluster headaches.

Naratrex should always be used strictly according to your doctor`s instructions to get the safest and most effective results from treatment. The normal dosage is one tablet administered at the first sign of a migraine headache, but your particular directions will depend on your age, weight, health condition, and the severity of your symptoms. These should be swallowed with a full glass of water and may be taken with or without food, but a snack or meal is recommended before use if you get an upset stomach. Never change the form of the tablets by splitting, chewing, or crushing them as this may destroy or alter the effects of their contents. Ask your doctor any questions you have about the medicine before beginning use to ensure the correct administration.

The use of Naratrex may cause side effects in some patients such as: dizziness, drowsiness, pressure or heavy sensation on any part of the body, redness or flushing of the skin, tingling sensations.

Serious side effects that may require emergency medical attention include chest pain, intense feelings of heaviness, jaw or neck pain, sudden numbness on one side of the body, sudden intense headaches, tingling sensations, or severe diarrhoea that is bloody or watery. Inform your doctor as soon as you experience any intense or worrying symptoms to make sure the necessary adjustments are made to your treatment to prevent further complications from occurring.

Naratrex should not be used by patients who have basilar migraines, hemiplegic migraines, or ophthalmoplegic migraines. The medication should not be administered to patients who are children under the age of sixteen or who have had a stroke, history of small temporary strokes, severe angina, peripheral vascular disease, recent heart attack, hypertension, severely reduced kidney function, or severe decreased liver function. These conditions may cause unexpected health problems requiring special adjustments to your treatment.

Strictly use Naratrex as prescribed and follow all instructions provided by your doctor. Safe, suitable, and optimum dosage can vary and is dependent on the patient`s health and medical history, as well as the condition you are treating.

Naratrex may not be safe or suitable for all patients. Always ensure your doctor is informed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, using any other type of medication (including non-prescription medicine, vitamins, and supplements), as well as if you have any allergies, other illnesses, or pre-existing medication conditions.

Seek immediate medical attention or proceed to your nearest accident and emergency department if you suffer a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. Symptoms usually present during a reaction of this nature include difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the limbs or face, tight chest, hives, and skin rashes